Sunday, July 27, 2008

Jason, Cade and I just returned home from a wonderful weekend up at Torch Lake with Jason's family. The weather was gorgeous, perfect for spending time in the water. When you watch the video posted here, it may sound like there are seagulls nearby, but it is actually Cade squealing as the chilly water washes over his feet. I was so excited when i realized that my cell phone takes video with sound and that i can email it to our computer! It's not the greatest quality, but the cuteness is not taken away from. :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Just in the past week or so Cade's brain has formed some new connections! He is now extremely interested in everything around him and wants to grab it. And then of course once he gets a hold on something it goes straight into the mouth. He is becoming very active and squirmy! Thank goodness for the cloth diapers, because he has also discovered the he can take off the disposable ones! So much fun :)

The video of Cade sitting in his seat is particularly sweet because this is how excited he was to see his daddy when he got home from work. I sure wish that our camera has sound on it, but it doesn't so you'll have to imagine all the squeals and baby noises.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

So I figured out that you can actually write things on a blog! :) I should now be able to give more of an explanation for the pics that we post. We have lots of fun new pictures and most of them are from today. Cade is modeling his brand new cloth diapers from BumGenius! We got them in the mail yesterday and so far they are a big fact I think they are more absorbent than disposables. We haven't had much a poopy mess to clean up yet, so that will be the true test of how practical they will be. Environmentally, it just makes sense to use cloth and financially it will eventually save us some money. Although the up front cost is about $18 per diaper! The ones that we got are one size fits should fit him until he's 10! J/K! But they were made to fit until he is potty trained.
Special thanks for Irey, Cohen, Brady and Brandt Gray for letting Cade borrow the Exersaucer seen in these pictures. Cade loves it!
Cade is a very strong baby! He was standing very well by just holding onto my one hand. Doesn't he look happy? And when he is sitting in his seat, he's turning his head to look at Daddy who was being a goof ball. By the way...sorry that first video is so dark. I realize now that the video on our camera doesn't use the flash so I'll have to be sure we are in good light. There is a cute video of Cade doing tummy time that hopefully is bright enough.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008